Your Dream Chose You
6 Weeks to
Dream Big
Believe in You &
Create A Business You Love
Your life's calling is waiting on you...
Join me for my free webinar
and finally do what you want to do!
You Are In Exactly
The Right Place
You have a divine assignment that is ready for action.
If you are lucky enough to hear that whisper in your heart, then you know you there is more waiting for you.
- Emma Williams
Talking with Alison on our discovery call gave me the clarity I needed to take action and outline the next steps that I wanted for my business idea. She gave me the confidence to realize that I have the knowledge and expertise, I just needed to speak it out into existence. Her questions were insightful and she pointed out the details of my plan along along with giving me more ideas to bounce off of.
I'm so glad I found Alison.
Hi I'm Ali arakelian
My whole life I searched for fulfillment & happiness. I realized chasing happiness wasn't the answer, finding purpose and joy was.
Being stuck in a rut felt horrible, finding joy in everyday is a daily practice that leads to the best feeling ever. Your future is closer than you think and I want to show you how to get there.
“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” Glinda…
You know & feel this is true and I am going to show you how to do it. And I am going to be there for you because being alone is not fun and now you don’t have to be.
Get paid to be you
Believe in you
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Get Messy
Your messy action will lead to your message. To often we don't start things because we let perfection get in our way. I'll show you how to let your hair down and create in a fun and messy way.
Finding your voice
What is your unique style. Ask a kid what their super power is and they always have an answer. I'll help you find and define yours.
Pinpoint your gifts that light you up. Do more of what lights you up.
attract students
Start to build an audience of true fans. Learn how to connect with people in all different settings. Expand outside of your friend & family group. Realize that your gifts are valuable to so many more people. Own your value.
your time to shine
Create offers that feel good and you love to talk about. Get feedback and re-evaluate. Use the tools and mindset to keep moving forward. You will have a group of supporters all along the way.
scale it to $10K months
This program is your launching ground to so much more. Now you have everything you need to put your program out there again & again. You will learn what is working, ways to tweak it and charge more. This is where it gets really good.